8 reasons for 8M
There are a thousand reasons to continue fighting against inequality: femicide, legalized violence, exploitation of women, machismo, labor inequality, rape as a weapon of war or judicial sentences that blame women. Browse these 8 short fiction films that portray a society that does not always accept necessary change.
01. Loneliness in the mirror
A man converses with his own image on the other side of the mirror. Aware of what he has just done, he reproaches himself for having assaulted his wife. She has left home. A story that denounces male chauvinist aggressions.
According to the World Health Organization, 35% of women worldwide have at some point suffered physical and/or sexual violence: beatings, harassment, abuse, rape or forced marriages, among other forms of aggression.
02. A perfect world
A woman walks past two bricklayers eating lunch in the street. On seeing her, the workers turn to her. Apparently, we are at the beginning of a string of macho compliments. But nothing is what it seems. The short film warns about micromachismos, among them the compliments that under the appearance of flattery hide atavistic mechanisms and reflect the harassment to which millions of women are subjected, daily, in the street.
03. Whatever they say
Two girls walk and talk. Their complicity is evident. A cell phone message threatens to spread their lesbian status. Fear enters their lives. From the window, the mother of one of the girls senses that something has happened.
The short film calls for legal equality and social respect for the affective-sexual diversity of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersexuals. A group of sexual minorities that feels excluded and suffers from a lack of equal opportunities in the labor market.
04. The price of meat
Two men have a conversation in a restaurant about the price of meat. The dialogue unveils the keys to their business: it is not about buying and selling meat for consumption, but about the sale of women subjected to sexual exploitation.
Trafficking in women and girls is one of the most heartbreaking forms of gender-based violence. Each year between 600,000 and 800,000 people cross international borders as victims of trafficking. Ninety-eight percent of these sex slaves are women and girls.
05. Two stories from the same neighborhood
Two young people, a man and a woman, prepare to go out for a night out. They coincide in the same place, sharing drinks and confidences. Later, they leave the bar separately. The young man is not afraid and walks calmly. One of us will not make it home.
Assaults on women when they return home at night continue and insecurity has been on the rise. 34.2% of young women are afraid to go alone at night in the town or neighborhood where they live, according to the latest report of the Basque Youth Observatory. Only 3.9% of men feel fear in the same circumstances.
06. Suffer it in your flesh
A judge in his chambers finalizes a sentence exonerating rapists of sexual assault because the victim did not offer sufficient resistance. When she arrives home, she finds her daughter crying. She will barely manage to murmur: “Daughter, not you”. Many court rulings lack the slightest gender perspective and conform to the most reactionary stereotypes, associating lack of physical resistance with consent. They are victims turned into agents of provocation by judicial sentence.
07. Running is for the brave
A young man playing sports in a public park faces sexual harassment from a woman who approaches him and harasses him with the same techniques that men use with women. An exceptional situation for men and all too common for women, who are often victims of sexual harassment.
Harassment has physical and psychological consequences for the victims who, in many cases, do not dare to report it for fear of not being heard, understood or believed.
08. A wet morning
A top executive sees his brilliant career about to crumble due to accusations of workplace harassment and the firing of a pregnant woman.
There are many types of harassment at work: isolation; discrimination at work; downgrading of functions; blaming; ….. And women are the most common victims. The figures are conclusive: 67% of women say they have suffered discrimination at some point in their professional careers.
Jorge Sanchez Gallo
Miguel Romero
Miguel Romero
Miguel Romero
5 minutes x 8 chapters
- Alberto San Juan
- Federico Celada
- Claudia Ferranti
- Chiqui Fernandez
- Luis Callejo
- Tina Ruiz
- Aisha de armas
- Vecki Velilla
- Enrique Villén
- Julian Valcarcel
- Beatriz Olivares
- Antonio Hernandez
- Manuel Lopez
- David Muro,
- Lucía de la Fuente
- Nathalie Seseña
- Olga Almazan
- Ricard Balada
- Ventura Rodriguez
- Jordi Sanchez
- Vicky Larraz
- Red Rain
- Paula Bontempi
- Ricard Sales