The series “Promesas de Arena” produced by Atlantia for TVE, has been 4th in this ranking of the 21 favorite series of RTVE’s followers, which was made to celebrate World Television Day.
A team from RTVE PLAY chose 40 titles from among all the series on the video-on-demand platform. Among them were the oldest in the archive, such as “Historias para no dormir”, “Curro Jiménez” or “Fortunata y Jacinta”.
Then, with those 40 titles, the poll was conducted and the 21 most voted ones were chosen to watch the first chapter in streaming on November 21 and thus commemorate Television Day. “Promesas de Arena”, ranked fourth in this ranking and Atlantia is very proud of it. The series, directed by Joaquín Llamas and Manuel Estudillo, was shot between Tunis and Madrid in 2018. It tells the story of a group of young aid workers stationed in post-war Libya. Starring Andrea Duro, Daniel Grao, Francesco Arca and Blanca Portillo it premiered in November 2019 on La 1 de TVE and was subsequently available on both RTVE PLAY and Amazon Prime.